Four Points by Sheraton Beijing, Haidian
A propos de : Hôtels Four Points by Sheraton Beijing, Haidian à Haidian District
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Les avis (99)
/ 5Le 04/16/2022 à 00:00服务很热情,因为是会员,早餐和延迟退房在入住期间的体验很棒。
/ 5Le 04/14/2022 à 00:00It was a great experience, from check-in to room service and decor. I love the decoration of the large mirrors in the room!
/ 5Le 03/24/2022 à 00:00非常满意这次的入住体验,前台热情有礼貌,给我带来了非常棒的入住体验。
/ 5Le 03/22/2022 à 00:00前台服务员热情周到,业务熟练,房间卫生干净整洁,楼层服务员的服务很到位!早餐品种丰富,很不错的选择
/ 5Le 02/17/2022 à 00:00客房清洁可以把别人喝过的矿泉水瓶子落在阳台上,难以想象其他地方的卫生程度。
/ 5Le 02/09/2022 à 00:00疫情之前经常入住的酒店,非常喜欢的酒店。前台一如既往的优质高效.给每次入住都带来了美好的开端!
/ 5Le 12/23/2021 à 00:00前台工作人员缺乏服务意识,态度傲慢。有个晚上和前台咨询是否有手机数据线出借,对方全程低头顾着忙手头上的文件,对人爱理不理。最后其他员工找到数据线,此员工接过东西居然直接扔到我面前,这样的行为完全体现不出服务人员该有的职业素质。希望万豪集团关注这家酒店服务人员的培训,改善服务。
/ 5Le 12/22/2021 à 00:00实在太差,已经不能用语言进行描述。入住过的客人一定不会再选这里。完全不像万豪的酒店标准。这是我入住万豪以来感受最差的酒店。
/ 5Le 12/19/2021 à 00:00GSM MR.Fengxing Xiang really did help me during my staycation. When I wanted some salt in the middle night, he managed to communicate with other departments of the hotel to provide me with what I want. Meanwhile, Mr Xiang and his staff are so honest that they help keep my lost luxuries and contacted with me as soon as possible. I shall choose Haidian Four Points for the next staycation!
/ 5Le 12/11/2021 à 00:00积分兑换的房间,和妻子一起晚上入住,升级了套房并且已经开了夜床,中间有要加水,楼层服务员很热情。早餐水平在线,很满意。
/ 5Le 11/30/2021 à 00:00Hotel hot water did not work properly, so had to take cold showers. Very old school hotel Chinese style hotel. Food is also Chinese style, no olive oil at the salad station, eggs are made over cooked. If you are looking for a high end hotel this is not it. It’s more of a decent local 3-4 star hotel.
/ 5Le 11/28/2021 à 00:00前台接待专业,效率高,人多排队速度快。客房服务响应及时。会员升级基本上能满足。
/ 5Le 10/19/2021 à 00:00几乎没有体验,在前面已经强调,酒店员工没有任何服务意识,不主动提供解决方案。房间有烟味,空气净化器到退房也没有送过来。空调不能手工控制,房间非常热。
/ 5Le 10/13/2021 à 00:00The bedding was very comfortable, but the room was too damp, the heating function of air conditioner did not work, and the electric heater was insufficient. After two nights, both people caught a cold.
/ 5Le 09/30/2021 à 00:00贵酒店会员服务很差,应提高对太金卡会员的服务待遇和水平。
/ 5Le 09/25/2021 à 00:00在这家酒店住过很多很多次,最近体验越来越差。连续两次客房没有升级,没有酒廊也不给饮料券。app上订的房间,竟然不关联会员号,打电话说延迟退房,告诉我不行。整整一周了,房晚和积分还没有到账。
/ 5Le 09/22/2021 à 00:00入秋能提供暖风便是极好的,毕竟天凉了,夜间温度会低一些
/ 5Le 09/20/2021 à 00:00The hotel missed my 500 welcome points as elite member. Call several times and they refused to post the points on my account. I had 529 nights with marriott and one bad experience ruined my loyalty to this brand.
/ 5Le 09/19/2021 à 00:00前台人员服务态度一般,大堂吧服务人员业务能力不足,明明已经结束的活动,仍在摆放标识,给住客造成误导
/ 5Le 08/31/2021 à 00:00Generally this stay was satisfying. However I encountered following issues that worth mentioning. 1, in the gym centre, the workout bench is broken. When I try to adjust the bench, it hurt my wrist and caused a bruise. 2, in the doorway of locker room, the floor is wet, I slipped but I managed to keep balance 3, the coffee machine in my room is not working 4, when I was about to check out, I asked the front desk if I could get a body lotion, the receptionist sad “sorry we don’t have body lotion”. I was disappointed coz basically he could just call house keeping to fetch one. 5, I asked if there is any elite member benefit, the receptionist told me I could get a welcome drink at the lobby bar, however she didn’t give me any voucher.
/ 5Le 08/14/2021 à 00:00前台态度差,推卸责任,不处理问题,不作为;不依据事实处理问题,不认同核酸检测结果,明明没有去过中高风险区,且北京健康宝是绿码,不遵守国家防疫要求,擅自加高要求;五天前还住过这个酒店,立即就不认了;在个人愿意签承诺书的前提下,仍然拒绝办理入住;已连续14天向社区报备体温及行程,社区都没有为难;
/ 5Le 07/13/2021 à 00:00提前说明及安排不够到位,餐饮部分较好,环境舒适整洁,但因北京天气偏潮会有些味道。
/ 5Le 07/02/2021 à 00:00酒店对于服务的定义真的要重新认识,根本没做到一个福朋喜来登系列酒店应有的服务水准,不管是前台还是值班经理,把事情都当做理所当然而不知道改进。太失望!!
1 / 5Le 30/05/2021 à 17:27 -
/ 5Le 05/21/2021 à 00:00地理位置不错,在西北部万豪酒店集团可以选择的酒店不多,福朋喜来登的位置很不错。酒店服务人员态度很友善,啤酒花园也特别赞,在鲜花盛开的室外,悠闲的和朋友边喝边聊,非常棒!
/ 5Le 05/15/2021 à 00:00酒店住宿期间,餐饮、住宿、前台服务,各方面一如既往的好。这次在前台又见到了Iris Fu ,她依然那么热情,点个赞。
/ 5Le 04/29/2021 à 00:00性价比不高,价格贵,没权益,应该是酒店知道评价不高,增加了点升级机会,其他啥权益都没了
/ 5Le 03/29/2021 à 00:00在官方app预定入住。 进门完全没有人帮忙拿下行李之类的。 房间隔音效果极差,房门隔音效果都不说了,在厕所甚至可以听到隔壁打电话的声音。完全就没有一个五星级酒店的样子。 Room service要个充电线没有,让我自己下楼去租充电宝,去了以后告诉我在屏风后面结果还是坏的。 早饭去吃的时候水果我就拿了点西瓜,还都已经蔫了严重怀疑在那放了一早上没有人动。 离开的时候前台一共就开了两个窗口等了很久才办理的退房。手里东西很多想要个手提袋,服务人员告诉我让我去一墙之隔的礼宾台自己要,过去以后发现礼宾台一个人都没有,人在门口坐着。 我不清楚是因为酒店在万豪的等级不够还是因为地理位置不是热门商圈,我觉得我花完钱给我带来的体验还不如一些好一点的连锁酒店,就挺无语的。
/ 5Le 03/19/2021 à 00:00酒店设施 房间大小都是5星级标准 很遗憾行政酒廊没有开放 酒店前台作为酒店门面,服务人员很冷淡 ,没有作为会员被重视的感觉 反倒是客房服务人员很热情
/ 5Le 03/08/2021 à 00:00酒店位置很好,易于叫车。酒店房间很宽敞,打扫的干净整洁,服务很好,各方面都很满意
/ 5Le 02/10/2021 à 00:00金卡会员,没有升级房型,酒店前台说白金卡才有升级,还说入住率高,但是春节前后北京酒店客房入住率都很低,前台不诚实。
/ 5Le 02/09/2021 à 00:00一直都是住这家酒店,位置交通便利,房间干净整洁,前台服务好!
/ 5Le 02/03/2021 à 00:00位置有点偏,但能接受。旁边有很大的shopping mall,酒店早餐在这个价位的酒店里算还不错的。第一次的房间,清洁度还可以。第二次枕头发黄。总体来说性价比还是可以的。
/ 5Le 01/18/2021 à 00:00虽然酒店比较老了 但是工作人员都非常热情 值班经理凯莉非常专业 每次都能为我安排好住宿的一切事宜 非常感谢
/ 5Le 01/19/2020 à 00:00There's nothing shockingly wrong with the Four Points Sheraton in Haidian. It's a standard Chinese business hotel, which is to say, it's shabby, the service is inconsistent, and the usual annoyances occur (stinky bathroom, cigarette burns on the carpet, strange collection of gym equipment). It's what I'd expect from an average Chinese business hotel, and below what I'd expect when paying American prices. Also, it's inconveniently located. I won't be back.
/ 5Le 01/03/2020 à 00:001. The room was too noise outside that made me can't sleep all night, then arrange a new room for me at mid night. The manager told me that hotel will arrange me a new room tomorrow immediately. But the hotel won't arrange the new room tomorrow and even don't know this issue as I made a call to the service center when I was back to the hotel. 2. The room equipment and environment was not good. Especially, quilt cover wasn't 100% cotton.
4 / 5Le 28/11/2019 à 21:53 -
/ 5Le 11/24/2019 à 00:00非常不满意,酒店的游泳池用3/4来对外教学,只给住店客人留了1/4的空间。非常不满意,行政酒廊里面的品质越来越东西吃的都是感觉是对付的。甜品比原品质上也差了很多。
/ 5Le 11/16/2019 à 00:00The hotel room is big and comfortable. Front desk was friendly. The hotel is a little far from the airport and about 30 minutes bus ride to downtown. During my stay in November 2019, there was some construction nearby and I could hear construction traffic (such as honking) even in early morning hours.
/ 5Le 10/04/2019 à 00:00总体不错,物有所值,之前洗手间的异味已经解决,现在最大的问题就是网络,希望及早能够把酒店的网络升级,包括wifi和移动4G信号
/ 5Le 08/07/2019 à 00:00酒店对会员友好,会员积分兑换比较合适,早餐不错。可满足商务出行要求。但白金会员两人早餐之外的儿童需要额外收费
/ 5Le 07/01/2019 à 00:00When we arrived at the front desk, the staff told us that we held two bookings although my indicated one booking already cancelled. The staff was rude and unprofessional, and told us to contact without any efforts to resolve the issue for himself. Later, kindly confirmed the cancellation.I was also told by another local guest commenting the staff's work attitude (fuwutaidu) was problematic. The room was clean enough, and the location is quiet and safe.
/ 5Le 07/01/2019 à 00:00总体感觉不错p,细节有待进一步提升,比如服务员的热情程度,对顾客的需求响应速度,早餐品种更多一些,鲜榨的蔬果汁
/ 5Le 06/28/2019 à 00:00The location of the hotel was perfect for business activities in Haidian. However, I am not sure about the the metro access because I used taxi all the time. Overall speaking the service was minimal and not so professional, including check-in personnel, concierge, and restaurant. They did not demonstrate their professionalism that people in hospitality that would show. The lift access was revoked even when I requested late check-out. conceige staff wasn't very willing to introduce the restaurants around to me and just said there were restaurants in front of and behind the hotel. Restaurant staff wasn't observant or attendant, and he cleaned up my table when I was just away for more food. more importantly, the staff uniform wasn't tidied up and clean and looked rather casual (not in the sense of style but in the sense of how these uniform was presented). Other than saying "your booking is from platinum card holder for one night" and asking me to choose breakfast or points as welcome gift, I wasn't see anything anywhere for loyalty recognition. My room wasn't upgraded at all and not even my staying profile (extra towels) was addressed. I went to the lounge and only to find no staff no greeting no food no drink and NO AIR CON. I sort of regret of staying in the hotel and if given a second choice, I would probably choose one at a not-so-good location but with better service and facilities.
/ 5Le 05/30/2019 à 00:00酒店的工作人员很专业,尤其是酒廊的环境不错!酒廊的工作人员Amy和Anson很专业,能够及时帮我解决问题!前台的员工也不错!
/ 5Le 05/26/2019 à 00:00很差的万豪酒店 官网上订好的行政房,办理入住时告知没有房,要换房间。。。可是没有房为什么能预订?前台告知:行政房只留给VVVIP客户,言下之意,我不是VVVIP,即使有房也不会给我?! 晚上在房间需要一个转换头,致电服务中心,客服人员说会寻找,后来就不了了之了,找没找到也没有电话或上门告知。。。。 行政酒廊晚上9点去,没有任何食物提供,连饮料、一杯水都没有,非常差!
/ 5Le 05/23/2019 à 00:00这个酒店紧邻金源燕莎购物中心,购物和吃饭都非常长方便,步行十分钟到地铁站,交通够方便。在北京的四环边上,也算是闹中取静的一处。附近居民较多,上下班高峰期开车出行略显不便。
/ 5Le 05/21/2019 à 00:00连住五天,没有任何值得说达到标准的地方: 1.卫生间一直有异味,从马桶底部一直渗出浅黄色带漂浮物的不明液体 2.礼宾部不代收快递,说是酒店有明文规定,但是却拿不出任何文件 3.一直说帮忙第二天换房,第二天却从来没有联系过,主动联系就说当日房满 4.一张发票,开错三次 5.住宿期间没有更换过床单,没有添加备品 6.客房送餐晚送了90分钟,还送错了房间
/ 5Le 04/09/2019 à 00:00Very beautiful hotel. Rented 3 rooms. Two were stellar, but one needs a little work. As is the custom here in China, first ask to see the room before you agree to it to make sure everything is in order and meets your expectations. We were so tired from the trip I did not do so. However, the hotel is nice, clean and the staff went above and beyond to make sure my stay was comfortable.
/ 5Le 03/27/2019 à 00:00I've booked a room through marriot member app, and I did leave a massage that I would like to early check-in, and I also sent an email to confirm about the early check-in to make sure that Sheraton will arrange a room for me. because I'm on business trip so I need a room to prepare to go for meeting right after I'm arrived. However, I didn't receive any confirm email from the hotel. And when I was arrived, the staff just told me that they didn't have empty room. I wonder what's meaning of special request here? if the hotel can't arrange a room, at least you confirmed to me before hand.
/ 5Le 03/27/2019 à 00:00如果去北京北边参加活动,酒店位置比较方便。总体设施有些老旧,但保养不错,服务也比较热情,住得总体舒适,早餐略有简单。
1 / 5Le 21/03/2019 à 15:02 -
/ 5Le 03/18/2019 à 00:00app预定不区分双床和单人床,结果入住时果断给我分了双床 网络连接不对,最后发现原因应该是登记信息没更新,严重耽误我的工作。中间换了两次房间,第一个房间竟然没有打扫。第二个房间算是换了个单人的,也是连不上网,最后折腾了半天才发现是登记信息不是我的
/ 5Le 03/02/2019 à 00:00酒店的位置在西四环四季青桥附近,交通便利,周边餐饮商场较多,非常方便。唯一不满意的就是万豪金卡,前台答复说是行政房满房,没有升级。到的早也没有给行政酒廊休息,感觉不好。
/ 5Le 01/18/2019 à 00:002回で合計4泊しましたが、次は泊まりません。 シャワーのお湯はチョロチョロとしか出ません。 カーペットにタバコの焦げ跡がたくさん付いていました。 昇降式の椅子が壊れて沈んだまま。 冷蔵庫は電源が入らない。 朝食でのコーヒーサーブなし。 窓ガラスが汚れていて景色を楽しめない。
/ 5Le 11/11/2018 à 00:001,会员无识别,我主动提醒,且优越白金无升级 2,无欢迎积分500分,请核实补充 3,酒店非常热,热到要脱光衣服还出汗,无法睡觉,酒店告知空调只能制热,无法制冷,打开窗自然降温 4,网速慢,酒店告知就是这样没办法处理
/ 5Le 08/27/2018 à 00:00I stayed in this hotel in summer and the AC did not work in lobby and guest room. The room temperature could not go below 24 degree. There was smoke smell in the hotel room and hallway. The sink was almost clogged. Internet was painfully slow. They didn't offer any upgrade for platinum member. Staff at concierge desk was impatient and rude. I was very disappointed.
5 / 5Le 29/07/2018 à 10:20 -
5 / 5Le 17/07/2018 à 10:06Un appartement de 75 000 NT$ par mois n'est pas rentable Approvisionnement insuffisant en ustensiles de cuisine et couteaux Ménage général ils ne font pas la vaisselle Les cinq étoiles sont pour le personnel de comptoir ils sont très gentils
/ 5Le 06/08/2018 à 00:00I stay in this hotel for a business trip on my birthday. The room do not have enough lights. The queue at the counter is long. And the breakfast is poor services and poor quality. (not Free. its over CNY 100).
/ 5Le 05/29/2018 à 00:00Sent my laundry for dry cleaning but one of my trousers was spoilt as it was water cleaned. Even though the person in charge waived the laundry charges, I think not following the cleaning instructions is not acceptable. Requested for hotel car for airport transfer as i have multiple lugage but staff decided to book a taxi instead without consultation.
/ 5Le 05/29/2018 à 00:00从17年开始因为工作关系,就多次入住该酒店。这次入住,因为有同行一起,有一些需求,所以提前联系。多亏了酒店方面的周到安排,提供了便利。CO时虽然遇到一点小小的麻烦,当然我本人也有一定责任,但在酒店经理Billy的帮助之下,也算圆满解决。 特别感谢Lillian,你是我遇到过的最真诚、热情、有责任心的同事;也衷心感谢酒廊、以及酒店其他同事,每次入住都能得到你们的热心帮助,让我有宾至如归的感受。
4 / 5Le 27/05/2018 à 22:17Bon hôtel. Chambre très spacieuse, même trop pour un voyageur seul (bien sûr cela ne représente aucun démérite), très confortable, propre et soignée. Décoration un peu vieillotte et déjà vétuste, mais pas détériorée. Petit déjeuner complet et bien servi. Soyez prudent avec les horaires du restaurant, car ils ferment tôt, et donc la seule option que vous avez est un restaurant attenant (photo), de l'hôtel voisin. Il n'est pas possible de dire qu'il est bien situé, mais c'est un bon rapport qualité/prix.
/ 5Le 05/26/2018 à 00:00The layout of the room I stayed is well organised. Bed is comfortable. Location of the hotel is good. Breakfast spread is good. The main issue I had is that there is perpetual cigarette smell both in the room and along the corridor. The power switches in the room needs an upgrade too.
3 / 5Le 05/05/2018 à 11:09 -
/ 5Le 02/10/2018 à 00:00员工对会员级别认可度很好 但是整个酒店感觉有三大问题 1.对于福朋的品牌形象执行的欠缺,很多物料和海报都有强烈的业主特色。 2.房间卫生啊!床上和浴缸都有头发… 3.早餐的出品质量和用餐环境。 前台员工很热情,餐厅员工像是临时工。
/ 5Le 07/06/2017 à 00:00Not far from the big GR Mall. The breakfast buffet that was included with the room was fabulous with all kinds of choices for anyone from anywhere. There's a grocery store and tons of sit down and fast food restaurants inside. The service staff were friendly and helpful with information about food etc. Have to say the hotel service I experienced is kind of poor.
/ 5Le 07/06/2017 à 00:00I would recommend going out to eat even if travelling alone. My room was comfortable. Breakfast allowed plenty of selection and if you couldn't find anything to eat you would be too fussy. Had a male supervisor on duty who had a good com***d of English so no worries for foreigners here.
/ 5Le 07/06/2017 à 00:00Arrived with my wife very late, given room 537 which is right behind the lifts -seems to be ok at 1st because don't need to walk far from the the lift. I am a platinum Starwoods Member so I should get a free room upgrade and so on. The room is virtually soundproof and has special drapes for keeping the daylight out.
/ 5Le 07/06/2017 à 00:00The subway system is easy to use and very quick and efficient. There was this particular restaurant which i had my dinner at & i left my purse there. For the room that we got, we were very satisfied as we were only looking for a small hotel to stay for the night.
/ 5Le 07/06/2017 à 00:00The location of the hotel is far from the hustle and bustle of the city. Ultimately, I would not stay a this hotel again largely due to the fact that ***y of the hotel staff are not particularly suited to the hospitality industry and need training on how to treat guests. Great value for spg redemption.
/ 5Le 07/06/2017 à 00:00We were accommodated at this hotel as part of an organised tour. Note for Leisure Travellers: this hotel is not located next to the subway hence it does not facilitate ease of getting around the city. In between, is the large Jin Yuan Mall, where you can find ***y Chinese restaurants and fast food places.
/ 5Le 06/28/2017 à 00:00Ich bin sehr oft in diesem Hotel aber nur wegen der Nähe zu meinen Baustellen. Ich habe immer gehofft das sich der Service verbessern würde was aber nie geschah. Das fängt beim Frühstück an. Wenn man um 06:30 dort erscheint sind die Vorbereitungen für das Frühstück nie abgeschlossen. Beschweren kann man sich nicht weil keiner englisch spricht. In der Lobby Bar werden deutsche Biere angeboten die aber immer warm stehen weil keiner der Angestellten weis wie er damit um zu gehen hat.
/ 5Le 04/12/2017 à 00:00Breakfast buffet at cafe needs improvement, less choices and quality is low. Stayed at non smocking room, but still can feel ugly or smock smell (room 903, 1013 and 1015). The important thing I would like to highlight is the service in the front desk is bad and not professional. During check in was not acknowledged as gold member. During check out, I did mention to the staff I would like to make the credit card payment for RMB currency. Even the transaction bank slip I did tick for RMB currency payment. But I don’t why and how, when I check my bank statement. The transaction has make is not RMB currency as I requested. With the staff mistake, I’m not only loss my credit card Premier Miles point. I’m also need to pay additional 0.8% currency conversion fee for the total bill + 6% government tax of my currency conversion fee.
/ 5Le 03/25/2017 à 00:00入住过两次,第一次并不是spg会员给的6层朝南(远大路)的房间,一切正常。第二次入住时已经注册了会员,给了8层同样朝向的spg会员房间。入住后没有检查房间就洗澡休息了,傍晚才发现房间地毯有大片污渍,叫保洁,解释称因此前房客洒了咖啡,无法清理干净。经前台协调,很痛快地答应换到同层同侧的房间。但是,新的房间地毯依然有大片污渍。再次找前台协调,很痛快地给升级到了行政楼层,朝向相反的房间。其实,行政楼层的房间和spg会员层的房间大小相同,配置也几乎相同。不过,行政层的房间非常干净。(再有污渍我也不知道该……)从入住体验上讲,无法称之完美,至少地毯大片污渍在那摆着呢,但是前台解决问题的态度很好。其实CI和CO的效率也很高。还是值得称赞的!
/ 5Le 02/02/2017 à 00:00Stayed here for 4 nights, room is spacious but it was so dark even we switched on all the lights; the night light was out of order, so we had to switch on the bathroom light to avoid any unnecessary accident in room. The room temperature was kept higher than 25 degrees even we adjusted the control thousand times. The Eatery is the most horrible restaurant I've ever been in any international hotels. Definitely no service at all, even worst than any fast food restaurant, like McDonald, KFC, etc. After the hostess ticked my room no., no one escort me to a available table, we had to find by ourselves. Most of the hot dishes were cold, even no refill. No hot water, no bread, also unexpected they said no green tea (popular item in most of the international hotel) can be served. The bread counter was extremely messy and full of used butter/jam boxes, the knife for cutting bread was full of butter, however no one intend to clean it up even I asked the waiter to. I was scolded by the hostess when I came back to my table after being to toilet. The captain/manager in dark suit always scolded at the patrons, no matter FIT or group guest, absolutely he should not do so. Since the hot pot was out of water, the waiter allowed us to refill some water from their water dispenser. However, this impolite captain/manager unplugged the dispenser & remove it away, and said we used out their water. How can this hotel be a 5-star hotel??? If you can't afford the flow, don't accept so many groups at the same time.
/ 5Le 11/28/2016 à 00:00之前入住过,时隔几个月再次入住,发现生意好了很多,check in时好几个团队,酒店倒是很贴心的提前准备好了房间,也顺利升级为标准套房让人满意。如果您的会议或者行程安排在西北部这里是个好选择,但是这里到机场的交通比较拥堵,周五去机场花了2个多小时让人有点沮丧。酒店大堂的服务人员包括门童在服务上跟北京人的脾性比起来算好的,比较热情的,但是大堂的穿深色偏黑服装的人员我不清楚是什么工作职责,在跟客人的眼神交流以及在跟我以及我的司机问路的时候相当没有礼貌很不耐烦,整个酒店其他人员的在努力工作的时候希望不要因为个别人的行为影响客人对其他人员的公正评价。
/ 5Le 11/06/2016 à 00:00After my worst ever experience in the Aloft next door I was rebooked to the 4points. The room was clean and really nice. In my eyes on a higher lever than many other 4points. Staff was friendly and at least half of them are able to communicate in English. The Lounge they are having is a dream and the breakfast buffet was fantastic.
/ 5Le 07/25/2016 à 00:00This is the worst Starwood hotel among those I ever stayed in china and around the world. The pool is very much overcrowded all the time, full of neighborhood kids. Obviously, it is managed by a third party with more than 100% efforts to sell the membership in the city. And the cooler in the room doesn't work (15C above) and I was told that the hotel believes below room temperature is the hotel definition for cooler and all coolers in the hotel is like that. The reaponse from the hotel is always humble but never with a make-sense answer and never with a solution.
/ 5Le 04/15/2016 à 00:00Booked using SPG official site and got confirmation email, but was told reservation had been cancelled on site when checking in. Any reason should not be a excuse here for cancelling my booking. Staff initially said room full booked but helped find another room at the end. Bed is comfortable and clean. Bathroom furniture nice too. Room service was basic. Breakfast buffet at cafe needs improvement in terms of both food and services, no services at all, food variety good but quality is low. Overall, nice furniture and bed for good sleep but people and food needs improvement.
/ 5Le 02/04/2016 à 00:00Love, love this hotel! I have stayed here many times. The room is very clean! Have a good business lounge. Ms. Cici is an excellent employee. Just booked 14 days stay at this location for Feb. 2016.
4 / 5Le 23/12/2015 à 13:07 -
/ 5Le 12/19/2015 à 00:00The room in winter is extremely unbearably hot with constant hot air blowing into the room. Couldnt find a way to turn off the heater or make it less hot, Could not sleep the entire night Was not acknowledged as platinum member. When checking in, i realised the room has cigarette smell. I went back downstairs to tell the reception, they were like,,,we have stopped allowing smoking for six months. BUt what they want me to do anyway if there is tobacco smell? they did change it for me but i think they were reluctant coz they didnt realise I am a platinum member until the next night when I go to the lounge and the lady in there said according to the record, I am only gold member and shouldnt hv access. I dont really understand how come the hotel is not connected to the central database.
/ 5Le 12/15/2015 à 00:00While I also notice a change in staff and management, some differences are indeed felt, like simpler selection of breakfast choices. However, I find that the staff makes an effort to make my stay much better and try to proactively give me a better room consistently. Special thanks for front desk who always welcomes me with a big smile, and listen my request.
/ 5Le 10/19/2015 à 00:001.本次入住,前台人员非常冷淡,没有欢迎,来和走都没有表情,不管办理入住还是退房耽误时间都较长 2.客户没有迎宾水果,晚上没有铺夜床 3.客户卫生打扫不干净,毛巾上还粘有头发, 4.因是白金卡会员,升级到行政楼层,行政酒廊的服务还令人满意,如果不是升级到行政楼层,并且离办事的地方还能接受距离,下次再遇到这种服务实在不愿入住
5 / 5Le 14/10/2015 à 05:26Bonjour, J'ai séjourné au Sheraton pendant 4 semaines en janvier 2015, ce fut un agréable moment à l'hôtel. Très propre et bien entretenu - excellent service, petit déjeuner très copieux. Je n'ai rien à redire donc 5 étoiles.
1 / 5Le 18/09/2015 à 11:29 -
/ 5Le 05/30/2015 à 00:00Having stayed at this hotel regularly over the last three year I feel over the last 8 months the service has significantly gone down with many staff changes and new staff being poorly trained. From the reception counter staff who now poorly trained and where it now takes much longer to check in and out than before. Although I stay very regularly they still do not recognise that I am a platinum member and even look at my preferences. The members lounge also use to be excellent but the food quality for evening cocktails and breakfast along with the service is simply no longer what it was. Breakfast in the restaurant in lobby is also of a lower quality. It short this hotel service and amenities used to be worth the extra distance from my office and the inconvenience of the taxi service in the area but now it simply is not. Therefore I will be changing hotels for my business trips in the future.
/ 5Le 07/30/2014 à 00:00The hotel's facilities are very good. The breakfast menu is a decent mix of Western/Oriental food, and the staff are nice, but it is often difficult to understand their English. The summer Palace is very close.
/ 5Le 06/29/2014 à 00:00I stayed in the hotel for a week to attend a conference. I found the hotel to be clean and comfortable. The conference facilities are great. Rooms was very clean and had a quality sleep. Staff are friendly and efficient and most of them could speak English. I highly recommend this hotel to any business traveler.
/ 5Le 04/18/2014 à 00:00因为航班延误,抵达酒店已是深夜。入住酒店时,竟然得到意外惊喜,入住行政楼层的套间。 仔细检查房间,非常干净(上次入住曾发现问题,反馈后及时解决)。 早餐的中餐部分新增不少粥品,非常喜欢这一变化。如果芝麻糊能再浓稠一些,会更棒。 健身房也不错,设备齐全,干净整洁。 所接触的工作人员都非常热情。客房清洁员工都能主动微笑招呼。 一个好酒店的每一位员工都会主动热情面对每一位陌生的客人,仿佛他们是自己家人一般。
/ 5Le 04/10/2014 à 00:00Very terrible, staff at reception hardly understand any English when I was checking in, not once but twice in a week. both times, room itself was alright, spacious and comfortable. Room service dinner was good as well albeit salty. However, the 2nd time I checked back in later the same week, I was very disappointed. the girl at reception was rude and unresponsive. I was given a room (which was on a more expensive rate than just 2 days ago) on a floor that was flooded, walking through the corridor to my room, my shoes were all wet but I was tired from a long train ride from Shanghai so I could not be bothered to go all the way downstairs dragging my heavy luggage to speak to an responsive person to change rooms. A whole team of people was crowding the corridor trying to soak up the water using rags and making a lot noise. Though there were more people looking than working. Anyway, nobody called to apologise or did anything to make me feel that this hotel actually value me as a guest let alone a SPG member. I will not be choosing this hotel when staying in Beijing again.
/ 5Le 01/20/2014 à 00:00I stayed here one night and was recognized for my platinum status. Manager Nina was very attentive and took care of us nicely. However, when Nina was not around, the rest of the staff members seem to lack training and did not follow through on items we requested. We requested an HDMI cord to plug into the wall socket where HDMI port is clearly shown but no one knew what HDMI was. Worst of all, they did not find time to understand our request. In the end, Nina had to come and explain to us that they do not have such an item. Which is fine if the earlier service personnel had attempted to understand what we wanted and told us they did not have it. The first room we checked into had horrible smoke odor even though the room was clearly situated on a non-smoking floor. They quickly switched a room for us but I was surprised that someone had smoked in a non-smoking room and nothing was done to clear the air prior to us checking in. Lounge is good and service in the lounge is very nice. Overall, the hardware is good, facility is well maintained, but staff members need to be better trained. Nina was great and we must recognize her for what she did to help us. However, she is just one person and cannot possibly help everyone. Restaurant on the ground floor is nice, buffet is plentiful. For the price we pay, I'd say it is ok but not the best. We were, however, impressed by restaurant manager Gary. Gary is courteous and is very attentive to detail. He is also asking guests for their opinion and ways to improve. His desire to help guests is genuine; his desire to improve is sincere.
/ 5Le 12/28/2013 à 00:00I went to Buffet restaurant on the weekend. I've made reservation on line but there were no reservation under my name on the arrival. Food was not that bad for the price(I'm not saying it's worth of money though), but the service needs a lot of improvement. I don't understand why but there were no one to take my dishes away when I've returned to my seat with new dish(although it wasn't that busy and it happened more than twice). There were no one around. So I once had to take the dished to the tray myself and still there were no assistance at all. Furthermore, a kid was riding rollerblade inside the restaurant! and nobody stopped her. Although the staffs tried their best to do their job, but there are so many things to be improved to meet global standards.
/ 5Le 09/15/2013 à 00:00I stayed here one night and was recognized for my platinum status. Manager Nina was very attentive and took care of us nicely. However, when Nina was not around, the rest of the staff members seem to lack training and did not follow through on items we requested. We requested an HDMI cord to plug into the wall socket where HDMI port is clearly shown but no one knew what HDMI was. Worst of all, they did not find time to understand our request. In the end, Nina had to come and explain to us that they do not have such an item. Which is fine if the earlier service personnel had attempted to understand what we wanted and told us they did not have it. The first room we checked into had horrible smoke odor even though the room was clearly situated on a non-smoking floor. They quickly switched a room for us but I was surprised that someone had smoked in a non-smoking room and nothing was done to clear the air prior to us checking in. Lounge is good and service in the lounge is very nice. Overall, the hardware is good, facility is well maintained, but staff members need to be better trained. Nina was great and we must recognize her for what she did to help us. However, she is just one person and cannot possibly help everyone.
/ 5Le 11/03/2012 à 00:00This was a brief stay for an event in Haidian district. The hotel works very well. Good facilities, very nice room upgrade, extremely comfortable bed. Helpful and attentive staff. The only slight fault was the pretty ordinary breakfast buffet..not really up to standard. Otherwise a great experience
/ 5Le 08/13/2012 à 00:00I have stayed at this hotel numerous times over the past several years. It has delivered excellent all around services consistently each time. The staff were very attentive to my every needs and issues very resolved quickly with gratitude. This is the best Four Points by Sheraton I have stayed over the past decades in US and in China. It is also the best value to redeem SPG points at this hotel.
/ 5Le 04/11/2012 à 00:00What 4+ star hotel switches off their AC at night and lets rooms reach 32C+ and then tells you to open a window in one of the most polluted cities in the world and along a busy road? This hotel. I can understand they want to save electricity. But there are better ways to do it. Absolutely disgusted with the service. Staff were friendly and provided plenty of "sorry sorry sorry sorry" - but nobody seemed to have any ability to solve the problem. In their defense, they brought me a fan which did not work properly. The room kept an even 30C all night - with the window open and fan working. Much better hotels in the area with staff who can REALLY solve problems. Bed was not at all comfortable, pillows were too high. Worst sleep I've had at a hotel in a long time. Breakfast was disorganized and a few people were complaining about the lack of clean utensils and clean tables. Food itself was very bland. Coffee was bad. Much better places to stay in Beijing - avoid this hotel like the plague! I will be suggesting my company remove this hotel from our list of hotels.
/ 5Le 10/25/2011 à 00:00Picked Four Points as my main base as most of my meetings were at Zhong Guan Chun. Upgraded to exec floor room facing Aloft, way quieter compared to the rooms overlooking the main road. Exec rooms were well maintained and furnishings were in better quality vs. the regular rooms. Breakfast spread at the lounge was way below average with stale looking pastries and breads. Coffee was very week and general offerings of selection poor. Had to leave in a rush, did not bother checking out the offerings at the main bfast venue and choose to check out at the exec lounge, which was a huge mistake. The clerk charged my card for the room charges ignoring my deposit, while insisting the room charges could not be deduced or offset from the deposits; spent 5 mins explaining how payments should be processed, she refused to listen and insisted not to void my deposit, although i have urged for her to verify, throughout the entire discussion acting as if her decision was final, without consulting front desk or any one of her superiors. Having a clear indication that the discussion will go nowhere, I proceed directly to the lobby to resolve this with the Duty manager whom happened to have processed my check in from the day before; by the time i arrived at the lobby, he had cancelled the deposit, had the slip ready in hand, stepped out of his counter and apologized repeatedly for her mistake. It was not his fault but having to trouble shoot a service issue simply due to her unacceptable attitude with absolutely no understanding as to how to process simple enough payments, which is not a failure of training but personal inclination or service orientation. Going the extra mile, he escorted me to the taxi stop, hailed a cab while braving the cold, while apologizing once again. for salvaging the issue but the poor man could do with a jacket and a better team to support his dedication towards service!